
Monday, December 12, 2011

A whole new look...

I am moving soon.
The place where I live has changed hands once again- but I am not moving because of that. I am moving because my friend Polly bought a new place and has rentals. If I am going to give my rent money to anyone it might as well be my friend.

So, my house, which looked like an explosion of cuteness, rainbows and overgrown rabbits- now will mirror the look of a teeny tiny house you would find in Sedona. Complete with the buzzard.

I have also been obsessed with babies, lately.

Big babies, vampire babies, pretty much any kind of baby. I WANT A MOFO BABY!

I have gone baby shopping a few times and even have picked out a baby daddy, who, I think, is more than willing to change a diaper or at least take a photo of the baby- or look at the baby or at least acknowledge the baby's existence.

I don't know why I never had a baby before. I mean. I had 5 kids but never a baby. EVEN MY KIDS had a a baby! I am the last on on earth to have a baby. {throws tantrum}.
Well anyways. I am not pregnant. I am a virgin. AGAIN. But I will have a baby soon. And I think the baby shall be named Rory, Carlos, or Jesus.

Oh yeah more importantly with the Phoenix 1.6 viewer there is the ability to post pictures directly into flickr- oh jes!!!!!

Oh man its on and popping.

I am off to look at babies, buzzards, meeroos and windlight settings.


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